What To Look For when Choosing the Best Digital Wayfinding Signage for Colleges & Universities

by | Aug 1, 2023 | Wayfinding

university wayfinding 2022 digital signage
When it comes to digital wayfinding for colleges campuses and universities, many things go into making the best signage. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important factors that make up the best wayfinding system for higher education. We will look at customizability, ease-of-use, selfie camera features, affordability, campus events, and more. Keep reading to learn more about what makes the best digital wayfinding for your campus!

#1. Campus Wayfinding customizability

One of the most important factors that make up the best digital wayfinding is customizability. Your signage should be customizable to fit the specific needs and branding of your university. Wayfinding software that is easy to use and deploy is also essential for a successful system. The easy of use for the content management experience that feels like a social media experience. And, of course, selfie camera features are a must-have for any digital interactive wayfinding system!

#2. Interactive Selfie Camera

Selfie camera features are a great way to add fun and excitement to your digital signage. They can be used for events, marketing campaigns, and more. university students will love taking selfies with their friends and posting them on social media. Selfie camera features are a great way to engage with your students and get them involved on campus. You can also customize the borders of each photo. This means you can create a unique experience for big events on campus.

selfie photo digital signage

#3 Affordability

We all know that budget discussions are vital. Affordability is another important factor to consider when choosing digital wayfinding for your university. There are many great options out there that are affordable and easy to use. Make sure to do your research and find the best option for your budget. Is there a way the wayfinding signage can finance itself? You should ask this type of question when evaluating the best. This will ensure that you get the most value for your money and that your signage system meets all of your needs.

#4 Consistent Updates to Features and Design

The best digital wayfinding systems never stop updating with the latest and greatest features, especially when it comes to campus maps. What new innovative way can we communicate the directions to a user? Having a team always thinking about this is important for the future of the wayfinding experience.

When you are looking for digital wayfinding for your university, it is important to find a system that offers consistent updates to features and design. This will ensure that your system always has the latest features and is up-to-date with the latest trends. It is also important to find a system that is easy to use and deploy. This will make it easy for you to keep your signage system up to date and running smoothly.

product update

#5 Security and Safety

Security and safety are always a top priority for universities. When you are looking for digital wayfinding for your campus, make sure to find a system that offers security and safety features. This will ensure that your students and staff are always safe on campus. Your students, faculty, and visitors will be thankful for the important information. You can also find systems that offer emergency features, such as the ability to send out alerts to the campus community in an emergency.

#6 Ability to Advertise Local Businesses and Services

Many universities have local businesses and services that they want to promote on digital signs. When you are looking for digital wayfinding solution for your university, make sure to find a system that offers the ability to advertise these businesses and services. This will help you support the local economy and promote campus life. You can also use this feature to promote university events and activities. In some cases, this feature could help finance the digital wayfinding system.


#7 Take it On a Mobile Device

In today’s world, digital wayfinding needs to be mobile-friendly. This means that it can be used on a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets. This will ensure that everyone on campus has access to the signage system. Make sure to find a system that offers a mobile app or easy-to-use website. This will make it easy for you to keep your system up to date and running smoothly. Imagine a situation where people want to explore an area they learned from the wayfinding signage. How will they make sure they keep the most accurate information? The answer is their mobile device! The best wayfinding kiosk signage will have a mobile app and website so people can explore on their own!

real time wayfinding digital signage

#8 Create a Local Visitor Network With Businesses Using the Same Campus Wayfinding Signage

When you are looking for digital wayfinding, it is important to find a system that offers the ability to create a local visitor network with businesses. This will help you promote campus life and support the local economy. You can also use this feature to promote university events and activities with tourists in the popular areas of town. Foot traffic in a downtown area, our touristy area, can help drive more interest in what is happening on campus. Imagine setting up wayfinding signage in a tourist experience and enabling a message to that tourist that might bring to the campus. If that person has a family, this will introduce them to the campus and possibly lead to more enrollment from someone in that group traveling.

Are you ready to schedule a Wayfinding Signage demo with HootBoard? Let’s get started!

HootBoard provides an easy-to-use, cloud-based platform that helps organizations create and manage interactive digital signage content.

With HootBoard, you can quickly and easily create engaging content that will capture the attention of your audience.

Additionally, HootBoard’s platform makes it easy to track customer engagement and collect customer feedback.

Contact us today to learn more about how HootBoard can help your business to improve customer engagement and satisfaction.

Schedule a Talk

Now Sure What to Ask? Here are Some Great Questions to Help Get the Conversation Going. Pick the Best One for You

  1. How can your wayfinding signage system improve the campus experience for our students, staff, and visitors?
  2. Can you customize the campus wayfinding system to fit the physical environment of our university, including buildings, parking lots, and other campus areas?
  3. How can your wayfinding signs guide visitors and prospective students to key campus destinations effectively?
  4. Can your digital signage incorporate campus maps to aid navigation?
  5. Do you offer any wayfinding solutions that use visual cues, such as wall signs or directional signs, to enhance the effectiveness of the wayfinding strategy?
  6. How can your signage help new students acclimate to the campus community?
  7. Can your wayfinding signage system adapt to changes, such as construction or the addition of new campus areas?
  8. Can you provide examples of how your wayfinding signs has helped other universities improve wayfinding for their students and visitors?
  9. How can your wayfinding signage incorporate alternate routes and decision points to ensure effective navigation?
  10. Can your signage incorporate modern technologies, like QR codes, to provide additional information or updates?
  11. How often will we need to update our new signage, and what is the process for doing so?
  12. How can your signage assist in emergency situations or evacuations?
  13. Can your wayfinding signage integrate with our existing digital systems on campus?
  14. How does your signage handle high traffic areas and peak times to avoid congestion?
  15. How easy is it for us to update the signage ourselves, especially for temporary events or changes in campus destinations?


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