Auto Generated Newsletters

by | Apr 26, 2017 | New Features


We’ve added another communication channel that HootBoard works on to continue to unify and simplify your communications stack.  This is in addition to working on web, mobile, digital signage, interactive screens and social media.

Our newsletter feature auto-creates weekly newsletters for you so you don’t have to spend any extra time doing anything besides what you are already doing to add content to HootBoard.  It will send out this email to all the members of your board and people you have invited to your board but haven’t yet joined to make sure they stay in the loop.

We use the help of artificial intelligence to auto-generate these newsletters by utilizing content that has been added to your board in the past week.

One of the things you will notice is that it incorporates some of your branding settings from your board such as your board background and logo:

It highlights all new posts from the last week:

And any upcoming events:

You can also elect to have certain posts omitted from the newsletter.  Board administrators can do this by clicking into a hoot and in the Manage hoot section checking “Remove from the next newsletter”


What’s Next

Not too long down the road, we’ll be giving you the ability to add custom messages to your newsletter, scheduling them at a certain date/time and more.  In the meanwhile, give it a shot and let us know what you’d like to see next here.

Newsletters don’t need to be a burden!

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