Enhancing Convention Center Experiences: The Role of Digital Kiosks

by | Sep 14, 2023 | Destination Marketing, Digital Signage, Technology

a person presenting to an audience

The Role of Convention Centers in Destination Marketing

Convention centers are more than just a place for meetings and events – they serve as a significant pillar in promoting destinations. These establishments are often the first point of contact for visitors, offering them a glimpse into the cultural, commercial, and recreational offerings of a location. As such, convention centers become the face of a city, region, or country, playing a key role in developing a positive image and attracting more visitors.

Effective communication within convention centers is crucial to this process. Clear, accurate, and timely information about the event, venue, and destination can significantly enhance the visitor experience, influencing their perception of the destination and the likelihood of returning or recommend it to others.

a crowd at a conference looking at a big screen

Benefits of Digital Kiosks for Convention Centers

Digital kiosks have emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing the experience at convention centers. Let’s look at some of the benefits:

Improved Visitor Experience

Digital kiosks at convention centers allow for an intuitive and interactive visitor experience, offering a wealth of information at their fingertips.

Easy Navigation and Wayfinding

Digital kiosks can provide easy navigation and wayfinding, helping visitors move around the convention center with ease. They can also offer real-time updates on event schedules, room changes, and other pertinent details, ensuring attendees are always informed and reducing the likelihood of confusion or missed opportunities.

Real-time event updates and Schedules Enhanced Destination Promotion

Digital kiosks play a critical role in promoting the destination by providing real-time event updates and schedules. By keeping attendees informed of the ongoing and upcoming activities, they enable visitors to plan their time effectively and make the most out of their visit. This not only enhances the attendee’s experience but subtly promotes the destination as well. For example, if a local cultural event or community festival is incorporated into the schedule, visitors may be enticed to explore beyond the convention center, immersing themselves in local experiences. By integrating these schedules and updates into the digital kiosk system, convention centers can strategically guide visitors’ engagement with the location, promoting local attractions, culture, and commerce.

Enhanced Destination Promotion

Digital kiosks can act as interactive digital billboards, showcasing local attractions, dining options, and activities. By providing relevant, engaging information to attendees, these kiosks can promote the destination and encourage visitors to explore beyond the convention center.

Efficient Information Delivery

These kiosks also help reduce the workload on staff by providing quick access to event-related information. Visitors can check event schedules, find amenities, or get directions without needing to seek out a staff member, freeing up employees to focus on more complex tasks.

Data Collection and Analytics

Digital kiosks can gather valuable visitor data, enabling better marketing strategies. By tracking user interactions and preferences, convention centers can gain insights into visitor behavior and interests, helping them tailor their offerings and communication more effectively.

Reducing Staff Workload

Reducing staff workload is a key benefit of implementing digital kiosks in convention centers. The automated nature of these devices allows staff to delegate certain tasks, freeing up their time to focus on more complex responsibilities.

  • Automated Information Delivery – Digital kiosks can provide real-time updates on event schedules, room changes, and other relevant details, reducing the need for staff to manually communicate this information to attendees.
  • Self-service Navigation – With interactive maps and wayfinding tools, visitors can navigate the venue independently, minimizing the need for staff assistance
  • FAQs and General Inquiries – Kiosks can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions or provide general information about the event or venue, thereby reducing the volume of inquiries directed at the staff

These benefits can not only improve efficiency but also enhance the overall service quality delivered to visitors.

people sitting in an audience

Considerations for Implementing Digital Kiosks in Convention Centers

While the benefits are clear, implementing digital kiosks in convention centers requires careful planning. A study by Grand View Research suggests that factors such as the design, placement, and usability of the kiosk, as well as the quality and relevance of the content displayed, can significantly impact the effectiveness of these devices.

Further, considerations around data privacy and security must be addressed to ensure visitor information is protected. As per the report by McAfee, proper encryption, anonymization, and robust data management policies should be in place to safeguard users’ data.

It’s Important to Choose the Right Software

If you are a convention and visitors bureau, then you know that keeping in touch with the convention halls in your area is important. Not only do they provide a great space for conventions, but they can also be a valuable resource for marketing and advertising. That’s why it’s important to have the best digital signage software possible. With the right software, you can easily keep track of what’s going on in each hall, advertise your events and attractions, and make money from sponsorships.

Reason #1 – Easy to Use

The last thing you want is for your digital signage to be difficult to use. Digital signage software has come a long way in recent years.

With the right software, you can easily create and manage your content, so that you can spend more time on other things. You should ask the following questions when checking out software for digital signage:

  • How easy is it to create content?
  • Can I easily manage and update my content?
  • Is the software user-friendly?
  • What kind of internet connection should I have?

Asking these questions can help you get started.

Reason #2 – Can Advertise & Make Money

Digital signage software gives you the ability to advertise your events and attractions, as well as make money from sponsorships. This can be a great way to generate revenue for your bureau, and it can also help you promote your area to visitors! You should find out if the digital signage software has an advertising feature. You can ask the following questions:

  • Does the software have an advertising feature?
  • How does the advertising feature work?
  • Can I sell sponsorships?
  • What are the benefits of selling sponsorships?

As software evolves, you should be on the lookout for software that enables a new stream of revenue. This will help finance your digital signage project and also make it more sustainable in the long run.

a small group at a conferences looking at a stage

Reason #3 – Helps with branding

Digital signage software can also help you with branding. You can use it to create custom logos and graphics so that your area looks its best. Audiences that utilize a convention hall tend to be diverse, so you’ll want to make sure that your branding is appropriate for everyone. You can ask the following questions when choosing digital signage software:

  • Does the software have the ability to create custom logos and graphics?
  • Can I brand my content?
  • What are the benefits of branding my content?

This can help you attract more conventions and visitors, which is good for everyone!

Reason #4 – Selfie Photo Capabilities, and Other Engagement Potential

Digital signage software can also provide you with the ability to engage with your audience. With features like selfie photo capabilities, you can let people take photos of themselves and share them on social media. This can help you attract more attention to your area, and it can also be a lot of fun! It also creates the ability to share your content with a wider audience. When choosing digital signage software, you should ask the following questions:

  • Does the software have selfie photo capabilities?
  • Can I share my content on social media?
  • What are the benefits of sharing my content on social media?

By asking these questions, you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your digital signage software.

Reason #5 – Keeps You organized

Last but not least, digital signage software can help you keep your conventions and events organized. You can use it to create schedules and itineraries so that everyone knows what’s going on and when. This can be a great way to keep things running smoothly, and it can also help you avoid any last-minute chaos!

Reason #6 – It Helps with Presenting a Professional Appearance

Digital signage software can also help you present a professional appearance. This is important because it can give you an edge over other convention bureaus. Imagine you are standing in front of a large audience and trying to communicate an idea. You want to make sure that your visuals are top-notch so that people can understand what you’re saying. Digital signage software can help you create high-quality visuals that will engage your audience and help you communicate your ideas effectively. When choosing digital signage software, you should ask the following questions:

  • Does the software have the ability to create high-quality visuals?
  • Can I use the software to create a professional presentation?
  • What are the benefits of using the software to create a professional presentation?
  • Does the software have professionally-designed templates?
  • Can I customize the look and feel of my digital signage?
  • What are the benefits of presenting a professional appearance?

By asking these questions, you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your digital signage software.

a digital signage at an event

Final Thoughts

Digital kiosks can greatly enhance the convention center experience, offering improved navigation, real-time updates, destination promotion, efficient information delivery, and valuable data collection. However, successful implementation requires careful consideration of design, content, usability, and data protection aspects. With the right approach, digital kiosks can play a pivotal role in transforming convention centers into dynamic, interactive, and visitor-friendly destinations.

Contact HootBoard About Digital Signage Software

Digital signage software is a great investment for any convention and visitors bureau. It’s easy to use, it can help you advertise and make money, and it can also help you with branding. Plus, it has the potential to engage with your audience and keep you organized. So why not invest in the best software for your digital signage today? You’ll be glad you did!

Schedule a Free Consultation with HootBoard

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