Custom Wayfinding with Interactive Digital Signs

by | May 12, 2022 | Wayfinding


It’s no secret that effective interactive wayfinding is key to a successful business. When customers and clients can easily find their way around your premises, they are more likely to return.

That’s why custom interactive digital signs can be such an important part of your marketing strategy.

With these devices, you can create an intuitive navigational system that makes it easy for everyone to find their way around. Not only is this great for customer satisfaction, but it can also help improve your bottom line by encouraging people to explore your facility in greater depth.

If you’re looking for a solution that stands out from the competition, consider investing in custom interactive digital signs. Here are a few reasons why you should.

What is Custom Wayfinding and Why do you Need it for your Business or Organization

Wayfinding is the process of finding your way from one place to another. It’s a combination of orienting yourself, planning your route, and following directions.

Good wayfinding makes it easy to get where you’re going. bad wayfinding can leave you feeling lost and frustrated.

This takes into account the specific needs of your business or organization. It includes everything from the design of your signage to the placement of your directional arrows.

By taking the time to develop a custom wayfinding plan, you can ensure that your visitors have a positive experience and can quickly find their way to their destination. Some ways you can customize your signage are:

  • Including your company logo or colors
  • Adding images that represent your products or services
  • Creating a sign design that is unique to your brand

In addition, custom wayfinding can help to brand your business or organization and make it more memorable for visitors.

If you’re looking for a way to improve the customer experience at your business or organization, custom wayfinding is a great option.

Types of Interactive Signage That Can be Customized to Fit your Needs

Many different types of interactive signage can be customized to fit your needs. Some common options include:

  • Digital Wayfinding Kiosks: These kiosks are similar to traditional maps, but they are updated in real-time and can provide turn-by-turn directions. They can also be equipped with interactive features, such as the ability to search for specific businesses or amenities.
  • Interactive Directories: These signs can be used to list the businesses in your facility, as well as their locations. They can also include interactive features, such as the ability to search for specific businesses or amenities.
  • Wayfinding Digital Signage: Digital signage is a versatile option that can be used for wayfinding, advertising, or informational purposes. These signs can be equipped with interactive features, such as the ability to touch the screen to get more information about a product or service.

These signage need the right software to function. It can be programmed to do a variety of tasks like the following:

  • Updating content in real-time: This is important for the signs so that visitors always have the most up-to-date information. Being able to take the system on a mobile device should also be considered.
  • Scheduling content: This feature allows you to control when certain content is displayed. For example, you may want to display wayfinding information during business hours and advertising content after hours.
  • Tracking usage: This data can be used to improve the effectiveness of your signage. For example, you may discover that certain areas of your facility are being visited more often than others.

The right software will should it easy to customize your interactive signage to fit your specific needs.

How to Choose the Right Type of Signage for your Business or Organization

When choosing signage for your business or organization, there are a few factors you should consider:

  • Your budget: Signs can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. It’s important to choose a sign that fits within your budget.
  • The size of your facility: The size of your facility will determine how many signs you need and where they can be placed.
  • Your business or organization’s needs: Consider what type of information you want to communicate and who your audience is. This will help you choose the right type of sign.
  • Cloud based signage software: Check to make sure that your wayfinding system has software that is cloud based to it is easily accessible.

By taking these factors into account, you can choose the right type of sign for your business or organization.

The Benefits of Using Custom Wayfinding in your Place of Business or Organization

There are many benefits to using custom wayfinding in your place of business or organization. Some of these benefits include:

  • Helping visitors find their way: Custom wayfinding can help visitors navigate your facility, which can reduce the amount of time they spend searching for their destination.
  • Improving the customer experience: By providing up-to-date information and directions, customization can help improve the customer experience.
  • Reducing anxiety: People who feel lost or disoriented tend to have anxiety.
  • Increasing foot traffic: If people can easily find their way around your facility, they are more likely to visit more businesses or organizations.
  • Decreasing call volume: If people can find their way without needing to call for directions, you will free up your phone lines for other calls.

As you can see, there are many benefits to using this in your place of business or organization. When considering signage for your business or organization, be sure to keep these benefits in mind.

Final Thoughts

Custom wayfinding with interactive digital signs is a great way to improve the customer experience and help visitors navigate your facility. By taking the time to choose the right type of sign and software, you can create a system that meets your specific needs. If you keep the benefits in mind, you can make sure that your signage is effective and beneficial for your business or organization.

Want to Learn More? HootBoard is Ready to Speak to You.

If you’re interested in learning more about custom wayfinding with interactive digital signs, we’d love to chat with you. We offer a free consultation so that we can learn about your specific needs and goals.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Time

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