5 Tips to Achieve the Best Digital Product Display for a Trade Show Booth

by | Jan 31, 2022 | Digital Signage

interactive trade show kiosk

When you are at a trade show, the most important thing is to stand out from the competition. One way to do that is by having a great digital product display. This can be used to show off your products or services, and can also be used to collect emails from potential customers. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to create a digital product display for your next tradeshow.

First Impressions When a Potential Customer Approaches

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating your digital product display. First, make sure that it is easy to see and understand from a distance. You want people to be able to see what you are displaying without having to walk up close to the stand. Additionally, make sure that your display is attractive and eye-catching. You want people to be drawn to it, and you want them to stay engaged with your content.

Size of Display

Another important consideration is the size of your display. You want to make sure that it is large enough to be seen from all angles, but not so large that it takes up too much space or becomes overwhelming. Finally, make sure that your display is easy to use. You don’t want people to struggle to figure out how to interact with it.

Get your Files Ready

What are you using to present to your audience? A few popular choices are:

  • PDF Files – These files are common because they can integrate links, forms, and other website-based experiences in a reasonably sized file. Having software that can handle PDFs and display them properly is an advantage.
  • Images – Your images need to look their best. Having software that automatically sizes the images to their best viewing dimensions will help save you time and money. HootBoard, for example, does this. It doesn’t matter what size or proportion the image is, once it gets posted, it will be sized appropriately to present.
  • Videos – Many people like using videos as a tutorial guide. They are also a good way to visualize complex thoughts. If your presentation at your tradeshow needs a video element, make sure it can handle it.
  • Gifs – Gifs are a great way to bring life to any presentation. If used properly they can help drive home a point, add humor, or provide consistent visual feedback on a loop.
  • Surveys – If your presentation digital display can grab emails, contact info, and feedback, then you’ll have a considerable leg up on the competition. We all know the most important thing is to get contact info for the follow-up later.

Customer Support

What is the customer support situation for your tradeshow display? Sometimes we need some guidance on how to use the product, especially if it has consistent updates. You’ll want to double-check to make sure you can get help when you need it most.

Make Sure it’s Customizable

We see many clients who serve a particular industry but have different use cases with their products. While you likely won’t be able to change the entire layout of your tradeshow display, it’s important that you can change key components so they reflect your specific products or services. If this is not possible, then the software will need to at least have easily customizable templates.

Another example of where software like HootBoard, which has all of these features and more, can make it the perfect platform for your next digital product display.

Get Guidance for your Tradeshow Display

We can help! Contact us for a no-obligation, 100% free consult.

When it comes to creating a successful, HootBoard’s software can help you stand out and present at your trade show. With its ability to handle PDFs, images, videos, gifs, and surveys, you’re sure to make an impression on potential customers.


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