Introducing HootBoard Analytics 2.0

The Revised HootBoard Analytics!

As we all know, now it is quite easy to find out what is happening on your HootBoard. However, we thought it would be helpful to provide a more focused insight into different activities on your HootBoard. With upgraded HootBoard Analytics, you can get more personalized insights and branded reports for your HootBoard. Here are some of the features that it provides.





HootBoard Analytics: Activity Type filterActivity-focused filtering

With the activity type filter, you can get a more in-depth look at engagement units for each activity on your board. To name a few of the activities that you can choose from the drop-down are Viewed HootBoard Info Page, Viewed Calendar Page, Notification Clicked, Notification Opened, Hoot Posted, Board Followed, Selfie Sent, Selfie Captured, Overall Engagement, and more!





HootBoard Analytics: Brand Custom colors

Brand customized reports

You now get customized reports to match your brand colors, making them tailored to your Hootboard. Each report is crafted to give you a professional look and feels that is uniquely yours.






Types of download: HootBoard Analytics

Easily download reports

Your reports are available in multiple formats from which you can choose the most suitable for your needs – SVG, PNG, or CSV. Downloading is easy and sharing is even easier!




Check out your upgraded analytics now. They will provide you with some fresh insights into your HootBoard.

If you need further assistance, you can reach out to us at We will be happy to help. 🙂

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