HootBoard’s New Analytics Dashboard Helps You Engage Users!

by | Jul 22, 2019 | Product Updates

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As you know, our mission here at HootBoard is to build a better user experience for whatever user your organization is trying to engage – whether it’s your visitors, employees, customers, or more! Our digital kiosks and concierge system help showcase the best your organization has to offer, highlight important information for your audience, and invite users to post their own content.

We’re thrilled to share that today we took a big step forward in helping your organization engage your audience with the launch of a brand new analytics dashboard! Our new dashboard goes beyond reporting to show you which of your Hoots and Screen Apps are resonating with your users and what type of engagement you’re actually seeing.

You can read our knowledge article for a detailed breakdown of what’s included in the new dashboard but here are 3 ways you can put our new analytics to good use:

Post Content That Engages

It can be hard to know what content is resonating with your audience but now you don’t have to guess! The new Analytics dashboard will show you your Top 5 Hoots and Top 5 Screen Apps for a given time period so you can see what content is actually getting results and post more of what works!

Look for Patterns

Try out different time periods to see if there are trends to when your users are engaging with your content. Does your kiosk get more traffic on Mondays or Fridays? Is the first week of the month extra active? Try posting your new content to coincide with active periods or timing extra content during the down time to boost activity!

Try New Content and Track Your Tests

Are you trying out new types of content or apps? Be sure to see how these tests are impacting your metrics! Does posting more increase your engagement rate? Does adding a survey cause more users to engage with your content? What about a photo gallery? Try different types of content, content frequency, etc. and see how it changes your numbers!

We’ll be sending all administrators a weekly metrics email as well so watch your inbox for all the details! Happy Hooting!

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