5 ways interactive kiosks for wayfinding can help increase revenue

by | Feb 2, 2022 | Destination Marketing, Digital Signage

5 ways an interactive kiosk can generate revenue for your area

If you’re looking for ways to drive revenue with your wayfinding system, look no further than interactive kiosks. Wayfinding can be used as a powerful tool to help drive customers to specific areas of your business, and with the right wayfinding software, it can be a major source of income. In this blog post, we’ll discuss five different ways that you can use interactive wayfinding kiosks to drive more revenue into your business.

Selling Ads

One great way to use wayfinding kiosks for revenue generation is by selling ads on the system. You can partner with local businesses to create sponsored listings that appear when people are looking for directions. This can be a major boon for local businesses, and it’s a great way to generate extra income from your wayfinding system. This kind of interactive information can help steer business while helping users find where they want to go.

Promoting Local Businesses

Another great way to generate revenue with wayfinding kiosks is by promoting useful businesses in the area. If a person is using your system to find their way around, they’re likely to be interested in the businesses that are nearby. By including sponsored listings for local restaurants, shops, and other businesses, you can help promote these businesses and drive traffic their way. This also enhances the customer experience by helping the visitor as efficiently as possible.

Digital Touch Points

In addition to selling ads and promoting businesses, you can also use wayfinding kiosks as a tool for marketing. If people opt-in to receive alerts from your system, you can send them special deals and promotions that are specific to the area they’re in. This is a great way to drive traffic to certain areas of your business, and it can help you generate more sales from people who are already in the area. This could be a better way to reach out to a user versus, say, social media for example.

Mobile Devices

Finally, if you want to take your wayfinding system to the next level, consider using it with a mobile device. This will allow users to access directions and information about the businesses nearby no matter where they are. Plus, by using an email address to sign up for alerts, you can keep in touch with people who are interested in your wayfinding system. This can help you generate more leads and increase revenue from your wayfinding kiosks.

Interactive Kiosks Can Change the Wayfinding Game by Generating Revenue

So, if you’re looking for ways to drive more revenue into your business using interactive digital signage, consider using interactive kiosks for wayfinding. Interactive kiosks create a great visitor experience. These systems can be a major source of income, and they can help you promote your business to new customers. By using the five methods we’ve outlined in this blog post, you can start generating more revenue from your wayfinding system today.


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