The Hootboard Blog
Touch Screen Kiosks: Solving Problems for Tourists Everywhere
If you're a tourist, then you know that there are many challenges that come with the territory. Navigating an unfamiliar city, trying to...
How Can a Digital Bulletin Board Benefit a Smart City?
A digital bulletin board can have a profound effect on a community. Engaging citizens, visitors, and other people on the bulletin board...
How Poor Wayfinding Can Impact a Destination’s Tourism Industry
Poor wayfinding can have a significant impact on a destination's tourism industry. If tourists can't find their way around, they will be...
Top 4 Features to Look for in Wayfinding Digital Signage Software
When it comes to choosing digital signage software, there are many factors to consider. One of the most important is the features offered...
How to Use Office Digital Signage to Increase Productivity
There's no question that digital signage can be powerful communication and marketing tool for organizations of all sizes. But what about...
5 Ways to Improve Office Communication with Digital Signage
Office communication can be a challenge. You may have a lot of people working in a small space or people who are spread out across...
How to Use Vertical Digital Signage Displays to Promote Tourism
If you're looking for a way to improve the tourism experience in your area, consider using vertical digital signage displays. These...
How to Get Better Feedback Using Digital Signage Surveys
You can use digital signage in many ways to improve communication. One way to use it is to gather feedback from people. This can be done...
3 Powerful Ways Digital Signage Can Transform Your Events
Events can be chaotic. A lot is going on and it’s hard to keep track of everything. That’s where digital signage comes in. It can help you...
Make way for the all-new HootBoard Selfie Wall!
Show off those happy faces! We are back with yet another exciting app, the HootBoard Selfie Wall. Now you have an amazing way to showcase...